Caregiver’s Blog

Caregiving Chekesha Kidd Caregiving Chekesha Kidd

When to Step In, When to Step Back: A Caregiver’s Balancing Act

Caregiving for an aging parent is an emotional journey that requires balancing love, responsibility, and strategy. Navigating the role reversal—becoming a parent to your parent—presents challenges, especially in preserving their dignity while ensuring safety. This involves deciding when to step in, guided by factors like safety, understanding consequences, and long-term financial impact. Open-ended conversations and empathy are essential in fostering collaboration and mutual respect.

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Caregiving braininjurywise Caregiving braininjurywise

Respite, not Re: Spite

As my parents’ health declines and my siblings become more involved in their Caregiving, I realize I am struggling with fear and a loss of control mixed with a bit of spite. Despite the harmonious portrayals in movies, real-life caregiving is often messy with misunderstandings, unresolved issues, personality clashes, and anxiety. How can we soften these interactions without damaging our relationships?

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Caregiving braininjurywise Caregiving braininjurywise

The Way Back Machine

Caring for your aging parents can open a “time machine” into your past. In this caregiving role, where childhood memories and family dynamics resurface, you might find yourself revisiting both fond and challenging moments from the past. It can be frustrating but it can also help you understand how you became the person you are today.

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Caregiving Lanie Kanat Caregiving Lanie Kanat


Showing my gratitude to the people in our lives who support us and lift us up through my handmade art is a huge honor! Handwritten notes are such valuable gifts. This passion began when my son, who has Fragile X syndrome and autism, was young and we had a specialist who would come to our house to work with him. Her support and dedication truly impacted me, reinforcing our values of grace and gratitude.

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Caregiving braininjurywise Caregiving braininjurywise

Caregiving with a Traumatic Brain Injury

Alongside the recovery and daily physical challenges that come with a traumatic brain injury, I am a Caregiver for my aging parents. I struggled mightily in the beginning but have since learned to give myself grace and forgiveness and have learned some things that would help any Caregiver.

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